App Shopper: adsilent (Music)

App Shopper: adsilent (Music)

App Shopper: adsilent (Music)

adsilent is a companion app for the adsilent silent system for upright and grand pianos by Excellent Piano Installs A. Duetz. The adsilent app allows you to easily access and adjust adsilent settings such as tone, reverb and volume.

You can also save the performance data from adsilent to your iPhone, where you can send it to someone else via email, or receive new performance data and play it back on your adsilent system.

The adsilent app supports iTunes sharing, and your performance data can also be managed through iTunes.

When connecting to your adsilent system via Bluetooth, you can operate it wirelessly.

Please Note: in order to cable connect to your adsilent system, both an Apple Lightning to USB Camera Adapter and a USB mini B cable are required.


* Sound control – Tone, Reverb, Effect (Chorus, Rotary, Delay), 4 band equalizer, Transpose, User preset
* Metronome – Beat, Tempo, Volume
* Performance Data – Recording, Playback, Transmission, and Mail
* Demo songs
* Adjustments – Touch control, Note repeat limit, Black key volume, Individual key volume, Tuning, Auto sensor, Pedal position, Key depth, Continuous note-on, MIDI-IN port, Panel led, Piano type, Tuning curve, Factory reset

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Small bug fixes.

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