App Shopper: Amazon Relay (Business)

App Shopper: Amazon Relay (Business)

App Shopper: Amazon Relay (Business)

Amazon Relay helps truck drivers haul Amazon loads efficiently by guiding them on where to go, when to get there, and provides gate information for faster gate entry.

Drivers invited by their carriers get added benefits, such as visibility to executed loads (Load History), ability to report delays and disruptions through the app, and recently launched, free, commercial navigation which will direct you to the Amazon truck entrance instead of the front door.

Features for drivers invited by their carrier include:

* Free commercial navigation will route you on the best truck-friendly route
* Notifications when a load is ready for pick up, load is cancelled, and when a load is added to your schedule
* Load History to view the last two weeks of loads you've hauled for Amazon

* Report a delay or disruption through the app, to your dispatcher and Amazon
* Image Proof of Delivery and Bills of Lading

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