App Shopper: BestSecret (Shopping)

App Shopper: BestSecret (Shopping)

App Shopper: BestSecret (Shopping)

BestSecret – Fashion's best kept secret.

BestSecret is an exclusive (invitation-only) fashion community with a large number of incredible offers: more than 30,000 items by over 3,000 designers at discounts of up to 80%, and everything is ready to ship immediately. Are you IN?

Members can now browse our entire catalogue on the iPhone. From now on, you will never miss a good offer again.

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What’s New

Day in, day out, we’re doing our best to improve your shopping experience with BestSecret. We fix bugs, optimize the app’s performance and improve features.

We hope you enjoy it! Make sure to update the app reguarly, so that you’ve always got the latest and greatest version. And don’t forget to rate it, so that we can keep making it better for you every day.



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