App Shopper: CarsArrive (Business)

App Shopper: CarsArrive (Business)

App Shopper: CarsArrive (Business)

The CarsArrive Mobile application is a fully functional tool that allows an auto transporter and its drivers the ability to perform the following actions:

•Track and Review Assigned, Picked Up and Delivered Shipments
•Search by VIN and Load ID
•Create and store Electronic BOL and Proof of Delivery

•Record and report all status changes (Pick Up, Delivery, etc.)
•Email and fax completed electronic Bill of Lading and ePOD
•Establishes GEO Stamp (longitude, latitude, timestamp) on each status
change and signature event
•Enables photography of vehicle and embeds photos in ePOD and Inspection
•Records Loose Item inspections of vehicle
•Records damage to each panel of vehicle
•Obtain Signatures at pickup and delivery
•Review previous inspections
•Email and Fax copy of inspection

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What’s New

Enhancements were made to the internal app calendar and load visibility for specific users.

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