App Shopper: circusAR (Lifestyle)

App Shopper: circusAR (Lifestyle)

App Shopper: circusAR (Lifestyle)

“circus AR”
the Augmented Reality Browser
Marvelous and sublime harmony of reality and virtual reality

■ How to Use circus AR

1. Run the app and scan the object, directly facing it to the full screen of your device.
(For a practice, scan the front and backside of 1$ ~ 100$ bill)
* Japanese Yen: 1,000 Yen – 10,000 Yen
* Chinese Yuan: 1 Yuan – 100 Yuan
2. After recognition, contents will be brought on with vibrations (please wait for a moment)
The downloading speed will be different according to your internet speed and content size.
3. Enjoy various augmented reality contents already registered.
We are offering more than 4,500 types of content – being updated continuously.

■ Helpful Tips

– Not all images but the images registered at circusAR can be recognized by the app.
You can download and printout the sample markers from the website
– Without the recognition process, you can directly enjoy AR contents
from AR contents List, 3D Model View and AR Photo.
* Run the app> Menu > Contents List, Play More > Select the content > display the content

– For clear recognition, scan the image or objects directly facing them to the full screen of your mobile device.
– Internet connection is necessary. We recommend 4G or LTE rather than WiFi.

* Inquiry for Content Registration [email protected] / +82-2-6261-2330

■ Application Fields of circusAR Service
We provide our augmented reality service in many different industries: education, exhibition, convention, MD products, entertainment, marketing promotion, game, publication, tourism, art, performance, printed publication, product packaging, etc.

■ Required app permissions:
– Camera : allows recognition.
– Microphone: allows voice recording within the contents.
– Phone: Device ID may be checked for functions such as Stamp Rally.
– Save: saves the cache to read the AR content faster.
– Network (Wi-Fi): allows streaming the AR contents of the recognized marker.

– Control Vibration: allows vibration within the contents.
– Preventing battery saving mode while using the app: allows optimizing the environment so the app works smoothly.

■ About circus company
We make your ambitious visions come true.
We research and develop Augmented Reality (AR) and new technologies, and create an amazing experience and enjoyable contents; we are ICT+ creative partners.

■ Contact us
With circusAR, IT is fun and interesting.
[email protected] / +82-2-6261-2330

Homepage :
Youtube :
Instagram :

※ We love to collaborate with talented artists to create various AR contents. Welcome!

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