App Shopper: ContextCapture Mobile (Productivity)

App Shopper: ContextCapture Mobile (Productivity)

App Shopper: ContextCapture Mobile (Productivity)

ContextCapture mobile is an easy-to-use reality modeling software that allows you to quickly create and share 3D engineering-ready reality meshes using images taken with your device.  

ContextCapture mobile uses 3D photogrammetry to automatically generate highly accurate 3D models leveraging ContextCapture cloud processing service.  There is no need for high-end hardware requirements or IT constraints, allowing anyone on your team to easily document as-is situations affordably, with less investment of time and resources.

Using your browser, you can interactively view your 3D model on your device and share a link of your model to project collaborators resulting in better decisions throughout the lifecycle of a project.

The 3D reality mesh is stored on ProjectWise ContextShare, a connected data environment, that enables you to quickly and securely manage, search, download, and stream 3D reality meshes and their input sources, across project teams and applications improving collaboration with all team members.

With ContextCapture mobile, you can produce 3D reality meshes to provide context for the decision-making process during your design, construction, operations, and inspection workflows.

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What’s New

Support for new Trial mode

Addition of .obj, .fbx and .dgn output formats
Bug fixes

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