App Shopper: Derdack Enterprise Alert® (Productivity)

App Shopper: Derdack Enterprise Alert® (Productivity)

App Shopper: Derdack Enterprise Alert® (Productivity)

The all-new Derdack mobile app uniquely combines top reliable IT & OT alerting with anywhere collaboration and incident remediation.

Receive, manage and track alarms and notifications in real-time directly on your mobile. Share incident details with your team, managers or other experts on duty. Instantly see who is on call. Troubleshoot and remedy critical incidents directly from your smart phone.

This mobile app is an extension to Derdack Enterprise Alert® software and requires an on-premise or hybrid could installation of the backend software. It works with various ITSM systems and with manufacturing control, facility management and many other enterprise systems.

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What’s New

We’ve added the ability to simply tap phone numbers in the app to call back users who missed you while being on duty.



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