App Shopper: e-PRESS&MORE by Thalys (News)

App Shopper: e-PRESS&MORE by Thalys (News)

App Shopper: e-PRESS&MORE by Thalys (News)

Thanks to the e-PRESS&MORE by Thalys app, for each journey, download your favourite newspapers, magazines and comic books as well as travel guides about our destinations and book excerpts for free.

Quickly download the e-PRESS&MORE app to enjoy this service!
In a few clicks, treat yourself to rich, free-of-charge media content.

To login to the app, enter your My Thalys World number and password and download the titles of your choice in your preferred language on the evening before you travel and on your travel date.

This service is only for Club and Club+ members of the My Thalys World programme, and for people travelling in Premium.

Your downloads will be available even after your trip.
Newspapers / Magazines / Guides / Book excerpts: with unlimited access.

Comic books: for 30 days
Videos: for 7 days.

Thalys, Welcome To Our World!

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What’s New

– Connecting is easy! Use your My Thalys World number or your email address to login.

– More downloads! The Club+ members now have an unlimited amount of downloads. The Club members can enjoy 2 credits per train trip. And if you travel in Premium, you'll gain an extra credit.



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