App Shopper: EC-AID (Education)

App Shopper: EC-AID (Education)

App Shopper: EC-AID (Education)

This application compliments the EC-AID (Exceptional Children Accommodations & IEP Data) Tracking Application.

EC-AID is a low-cost, easy-to-use solution to help educators collect data on IEP goal progress and accommodation use.  

Leveraging cloud, encryption, and mobile technologies, we have created a FERPA-compliant application that puts data collection in the palm of your hand, or as close as the nearest web browser.

Some of the features include:

– IEP goals include goal measurement instructions, so all teachers can accurately measure progress and record data

– the system generates notifications when a goal is due to be monitored, so data is collected over time to show progress

– case managers and administrators can easily view the status of data collection to ensure compliance

– signature capture to verify acceptance or refusal of student accommodation(s), so that records are kept of which accommodations are being used prior to state tests

Our student-centered model allows all teachers, specialists and therapists to collect and record data points to ensure progress-monitoring compliance.

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What’s New

Feature support to mark student absent/log skip accommodation data collection.



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