App Shopper: Goalie Mom (Sports)

App Shopper: Goalie Mom (Sports)

App Shopper: Goalie Mom (Sports)

Have you ever ended up at the hockey rink with your youngster watching them play and at the end of the game you had no idea what the final score was? Or worse yet, your son is the goalie and you have no idea how he is doing from one game to another or one week to another. Rather than using a paper score sheet or scratch paper, we figured we'd create an app for that.

Goalie Mom will let you keep track of your shots on goal and the final score. If your kid is the goalie, then you might like the Save Percentage that is calculated for each team. If you are curious about the balance of the game or the pace of play, the ratio of shots on goal from one team to the other is tracked.

This version adds the ability to export all your game data and analyze it in a spreadsheet.

This previous version added overall statistics tracking for GAA, SOGs, Save Percentage, Total Shots, etc.

– Tracking the shots and goals in each period.
– Calculates the save percentage for each period and the overall game
– Track goals for all three periods and over time

– Calculates the ratio of shots between each team
– Track Attempted Shots to determine the pace of play
– Save notes for what went on during the game

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What’s New

New Features
– Export All Game data and Analyze

Fixes & Tweaks
– txt message formatting
– a bit of game math

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