App Shopper: IADVL GSB (Medical)

App Shopper: IADVL GSB (Medical)

App Shopper: IADVL GSB (Medical)

IADVL is one of the largest dermatologic associations in the world. With a membership touching nearly 7500, IADVL is the most representative organization of the composite discipline of Dermato-venereo-leprology in India. IADVL is committed to:

The promotion and advancement of Dermatology, Venereology & Leprology and allied subjects in India.
The creation of public opinion and consciousness in all these different specialties and education of the public in matters relating to the prevention and cure of these diseases in all their aspects and to carry on such publicity as may be found necessary or feasible for attainment of these objects.
The promotion of high standards in clinical practice, education and research through professional fellowship, co-operation and exchange of views amongst members and to uphold their interests.

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