App Shopper: Incheon Airport Guide (Travel)

App Shopper: Incheon Airport Guide (Travel)

App Shopper: Incheon Airport Guide (Travel)

About ‘Incheon Airport’

You can receive real-time status notification of your flight.
You can also get a view of all shopping stores, facilities and airport information just by one touch.

Don’t get lost in the airport anymore!
Don’t know what to do and where to go for departure/arrival processes?

Don’t know how to spend the remaining time until your flight?
Have you missed the plane because you were too into shopping?
Now, you can rely on Incheon Airport Guide mobile app.

From the departure/arrival guide and navigation inside the airport to real-time notification of flight, you can enjoy easy journey to and through the Incheon airport!

1. Omni Search

Search for anything you want to know about Incheon Airport with Omni Search

2. Shortcut menu setting
Make a shortcut for your favorite menus from the home screen

3. Departure / Arrival Procedure
Find out airport routes and information from our departure, arrival, transfer and greeting guides.

4. Flight Information
Simple search of departure/arrival flight schedule at the Incheon International Airport

5. myPlan

Real time notification of flights on your bookmark
Quick search and add of stores, facilities and transportations info

6. Transportation
Information on transportation to/from the airport such as buses, rail road & taxi
Nearest station

7. Directions At The Airport
Directions from the current point to destination.

8. Parking Guide
Congestion at parking lot, My car location service, Parking fee calculation, etc.

Enjoy your journey with the Incheon Airport Guide mobile app. Thank you!

*Please be alerted that an error may occur if you force this app to be terminated.

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