App Shopper: Jamboard (Productivity)

App Shopper: Jamboard (Productivity)

App Shopper: Jamboard (Productivity)

Jamboard is G Suite’s digital whiteboard that offers a rich collaborative experience for teams and classrooms. Watch your creativity unfold: you can create a Jam, edit it from your device, and share it with others. Everybody can collaborate on the Jam anytime, anywhere. For businesses and schools that use Jamboard hardware, you can use your iPhone or iPad to join or open a Jam on a nearby board.

* Draw with various pens and colors to bring your ideas to life.
* Share Jams and work together with others in the same Jam in real time.
* Add sticky notes to brainstorm ideas together.

* Bring your Jams to life by inserting photos and stickers.
* Import Drive files from G Suite to annotate documents together.
* Highlight objects with the laser pointer tool.

Permissions Notice

Camera: Take photos to insert into jams.
Photos: This is used to let users pick images to insert into Jams and to save Jams as PNGs.

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What’s New

Bug fixes and stability improvements.



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