App Shopper: Lehrer Lämpel: Addition (Education)

App Shopper: Lehrer Lämpel: Addition (Education)

App Shopper: Lehrer Lämpel: Addition (Education)

Lehrer Lämpel is an educational app that supports primary school children (usually 3rd grade) to practise their multi-column addition skills.

The standard addition method, where columns are processed from right to left, is supported.

Steps are performed by easy drag & drop of numbers to the blackboard.

The app offers an immediate feedback option where incorrect steps are immediately marked red and where correct steps are immediately marked green.

Pupils can ask Lehrer Lämpel for help at any time. Help first removes an erroneously learner step; if there are no errors, a single step is performed towards the solution.

All teacher steps towards the solution are followed-up with a step explanation as well.

Various degrees of difficulty guided by the number of digits the two numbers can have, and whether carrying operations are required.

Supports self-defined addition tasks, and there is a work-sheet, and there are randomised exercises.

Supports English, French and German.

Available on the iPad, for iOS9 or later.

The app is ad-free. No data is being collected. Please consider leaving a review. This helps a lot. Thanks!

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What’s New

– The worksheet now keeps track of the number of help requests the user issued to solve a task.
– Minor design improvements.

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