App Shopper: Meineke (Utilities)

App Shopper: Meineke (Utilities)

App Shopper: Meineke (Utilities)

The total car care experts at Meineke want to make sure taking care of your car doesn't take over your life. With the Meineke App, you can do everything from scheduling an appointment to viewing your entire vehicle repair history. It's also a quick and easy way to check out your Meineke Rewards points and rewards you’ve earned! Here's a few features of the Meineke app that will help you get back to what's important and on with life:

• Local offers and coupons
• Meineke Rewards account hub
• Simple appointment scheduling

• Appointment reminders and notifications when you're due for service
• Your entire vehicle service history at Meineke

Since Meineke's first Houston, TX, location got up and running in 1972, we've worked to create a network of friendly, locally-owned total car care centers. We hope you enjoy the Meineke App and that it helps make taking care of your car a little more convenient. Visit, Facebook, Twitter or Instagram to see even more of what Meineke has to offer!

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