App Shopper: Messines Walk (Travel)

App Shopper: Messines Walk (Travel)

App Shopper: Messines Walk (Travel)

In the Footsteps of the New Zealanders is a WW1 battlefield walk covering the role of the Kiwis in the Battle of Messines in June 1917.

The route takes you from the 1917 start-line up into the town and out again giving info on the battle, the history, the town and the people.

The app is also available in Dutch, French and German.

There are 7 info points along the track plus an 8th extra point for the Island of Ireland Peace Park.

The app looks at:

•The preparations, the mines and the creeping barrage
•The New Zealand troops and where they were
•The resistance strongholds

•The landmarks, bunkers, memorials and war graves
•The personal stories and the people
•The Royal Institution of Messines and the church
•Developments and discoveries in the years since

For those unable to cover the distance by foot, the app can be used in a vehicle. For larger groups a qualified guide can be booked through the Mesen/Messines council.

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