App Shopper: Motor Accident App (Reference)

App Shopper: Motor Accident App (Reference)

App Shopper: Motor Accident App (Reference)

Having a Motor Accident can be very stressful and remembering to record the correct information at the scene can sometimes be challenging. We at ICB Group recognize this and have created The Motor Accident App so that if you are ever unfortunate enough to be involved in a Motor Accident the App will guide you through exactly what information you need to gather at the scene. This will hopefully remove some of the stress and help with your claim if you are not at fault or to help reduce claims costs against you if you are.

Once you have recorded the details at the scene, you can then complete the rest of the questions Insurers would require to fully process your claim, at a convenient time. Once all questions are answered, the information is collated into an email which can then be sent to us to conveniently and quickly start the claims process.

Hopefully you will never need it but The Motor Accident App will certainly prove useful if you do.

With the ICB Motor Accident App you can;-

Find and record the accidentís exact location using GPS
Take photos as evidence
Obtain the other parties contact details

Record details of any passengers
Record details of any witnesses
Call the emergency services
Give insurers all the other information they will need to start the claims process

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What’s New

– Fixed location issue.



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