App Shopper: MyFibroScan (Medical)

App Shopper: MyFibroScan (Medical)

App Shopper: MyFibroScan (Medical)

FibroScan® is the first non-invasive medical device that streamlines your management of chronic liver disease, from screening to follow-up and prognosis.

Reference solution providing patented dual function capability VCTE™ (fibrosis) and CAP™ (steatosis), the FibroScan® benefits from a worldwide clinical legitimacy and is recommended in the guidelines of leading organizations.

myFibroScan app is the best companion to enlarge the suite of diagnosis tools based on FibroScan® results:

– interpret FibroScan® examination results to assess fibrosis stage and steatosis grade, according to scientific publications, etiology and examination results VCTE™ and CAP™ with the Interpretation Guide tool

– assess the probability of active NASH with the new FAST™ score, combining FibroScan® biomarkers of liver fibrosis (VCTE™) and steatosis (CAP™) with blood biomarker of liver inflammation (AST). Best-in-class diagnostic performance and broad applicability demonstrated on 1,300 patients from different clinical setting and geographical origin: consistent 0.85-0.90 average AUROCs performance

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What’s New

Introduction of FAST™ score, highly scalable score for at-risk NASH patients identification combining FibroScan® biomarkers of liver fibrosis (VCTE™) and steatosis (CAP™) with blood biomarker of liver inflammation (AST).



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