App Shopper: Ping - a feeling sonar (Social Networking)

App Shopper: Ping - a feeling sonar (Social Networking)

App Shopper: Ping – a feeling sonar (Social Networking)

Ping is an app to express about you in 15 letters.
-your favorite food, quotes, band, brand, or athletes
-how you feel now, what you’re drinking, what you see, or someone in front of you.

-some words that just popped up in your head, or words that just came up on your keyboard.
-random emojis or words you made up.
-what’s on your mind now

When there’s someone else who’ve expressed the exactly the same thing, you can view their profile

You can send a message once you’ve expressed exactly the same thing 4 times with the same person

And of course messages can only be sent in 15 letters or less.
There’s no following, “like”, nor read receipts.

You won’t know who said what other than the words that matched.

Don’t worry about other people
Just express you freely

There might be someone out there that only you can find.

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* Support iOS13 and DarkMode

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