App Shopper: PlayMemories Online (Social Networking)

App Shopper: PlayMemories Online (Social Networking)

App Shopper: PlayMemories Online (Social Networking)

PlayMemories Online is a cloud-based photo and video service by Sony that allows you to organize your photos captured by a camera or smartphone.

[Main Features]
・Unlimited Upload
By simply enabling the “All Sync” function, photos stored on your smartphone and computer are automatically uploaded to the cloud.

The service is free, and there is no limit to the number of photos you can upload.

・All in one place
All your photos are organized in one place and can be displayed in the same manner on any device.

If the same photo exists in several devices, the duplicated photos will not be displayed.

Your big collection of photos are automatically arranged in an easy-to-view layout. Not only can you sort photos by date, but you can also display your photos in a larger size.

(Notice) If an uploaded photo is greater than 1920 pixels on either of its sides, it will automatically be resized so that the corresponding side is 1920 pixels with using the All Sync feature.
(Notice) 5 GB of cloud storage is available for your videos and original size photos.

PlayMemories Online homepage

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What’s New

Changed some of the images used in the app.

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