App Shopper: Read Music PRO (Music)

App Shopper: Read Music PRO (Music)

App Shopper: Read Music PRO (Music)

This app is designed to practice several aspects of Music Sight Reading.

This is the ad-free version.

This app includes:

– Music sight reading lessons. (125 exercises)
– Music sight reading quizzes. (125 exercises)
– Melodic reading exercises for Guitar. (10 exercises)

– Rhythmic reading exercises for Guitar. (10 exercises)
– Melodic reading exercises for Piano and Keyboards.
(Treble Clef/10 exercises – Bass Clef/10 exercises).
– Rhythmic reading exercises for Piano and Keyboards. (60 exercises)
– Reading rhythm values in a melody. (10 exercises)
– Remembering rhythmic formulas to execute them from memory. (10 exercises)
– Remembering the names in a series of notes. (10 exercises)
– Speeding up the recognition of notes in the staff. (10 exercises)

If you want to increase your ability to read music notes values in a music sheet this app will help you.

Increase your ability to recognize music notes values and you will be able to grasp any music theory lessons, guitar lessons or piano lessons.

If you want to play piano music, guitar music or any kind of music this app is something you will use daily.

Knowing how to read music enables you to read piano sheet music, guitar sheet music or any other type of music sheet.

How to play piano, how to play guitar or any other musical instrument becomes easier when you are good at sight reading.

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What’s New

– Software update.

– Enhanced navigation.
– New exercises.

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