App Shopper: SalesExec (Business)

App Shopper: SalesExec (Business)

App Shopper: SalesExec (Business)

SalesExec with RingResponse is an easy to use, mobile lead management solution that enables your sales team to call and manage its leads from anywhere in real-time. The SalesExec mobile application allows your salesforce to operate without limits.

Features Include:

Sync your lead data, appointments, and calendar events
Receive instant push notifications and reminders to follow up leads
Instantly call leads from your device (if supported)

Instantly get turn by turn directions
Update the status of your leads
Instantly send email and automated events from your device
Add notes, reminders, appointments, and tasks
Customize your view specifically to fit the needs of your sales team
Instantly assign or transfer leads to sales associates
Connect with prospects and customers through RingResponse

Simply download and use your current SalesExec credentials and start using this powerful lead management app today.

It has never been easier to manage your sales pipeline or help your mobile sales team close more leads in less time. The SalesExec mobile application quickly helps you achieve a more efficient and profitable sales process.

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What’s New

RingResponse Integration for SMS
-Added the ability to send SMS texts from the lead list quick menu

-Added the ability to send SMS texts from the lead details screen
-Added the ability to send SMS texts from the pull screen
-Added the ability to send SMS texts from a dedicated Messages screen
-SMS send allows for the use of templates and variables
-Added the ability to receive SMS

-Rework of the notification system to improve performance

-Misc. bug fixes

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