App Shopper: Sandhills Cloud: Inventory (Business)

App Shopper: Sandhills Cloud: Inventory (Business)

App Shopper: Sandhills Cloud: Inventory (Business)

Sandhills’ Inventory Management app is an easy, cost-effective way to track and manage inventory from acquisition to sale. In addition to organizing information into a universal format, it’s an accessible platform that managers and sales reps within your organization can access anytime, anywhere.

SIX REASONS TO LEVERAGE ‘Sandhills Cloud: Inventory Management’ APP

• Avoid redundant data entry
with equipment specs that auto-populate as you enter new information and a system that automatically syncs across advertising platforms.

• Complete mobility
means your sales reps have the information they need anytime, anywhere.

• Organize inventory information

into a universal format on an accessible platform.

• Generate professional quotes
quickly and easily using the information already in your system

• Send equipment to Fast Track Iron and

with the click of a button.

• Implementation and training is easy
and cost-effective with the help of your Sandhills sales rep.

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What’s New

– Minor Bug Fixes
– UI Updates / Improvements

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