App Shopper: Securitas Customer Portal (Business)

App Shopper: Securitas Customer Portal (Business)

App Shopper: Securitas Customer Portal (Business)

Securitas shares Controls, event and Assessment Report, Task Assignments and results, Employee Information, Surveys, Training -Examinations and Testing, Private Generated Electronic Data Collected by Form collected from tract and processed into Smart Database, directly with representatives of the organization it serves. Therefore our Business Partners will have access to any kind of information about the services simultaneously with Securitas.

How can you reach the Securitas Corporate Portal?

If you want to reach security service data you get from Securitas Turkey using the SMART Corporate Portal, you just need to inform the Branch Manager your are bond to.

Your “username” and “password”created by our Securitas IT Department will be delivered to you as soon as possible by e-mail so you can log into the system.

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What’s New

This version contains minor bug fixes.



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