App Shopper: Tiptapp (Lifestyle)

App Shopper: Tiptapp (Lifestyle)

App Shopper: Tiptapp (Lifestyle)

Let your things hitch a ride with Tiptapp! Same day peer-to-peer waste collection in London. Removal of mattresses, pallets, old furniture, garden waste – you name it – to the tip ensuring all is correctly recycled, or moving your latest second hand bargain from the other side of town in to your living room. You decide the price and when you need help – fast, smooth and simple!

Average council time for pick up: 2 weeks
Average Tiptapp time for pick up: 24h

Tiptapp instantly connects you with hundreds of helpers – regular people with a car, some extra space and time on their hands. Moving stuff has never been more convenient.

"My new favourite app." – Charlotte, Streatham
"This works. Like Magic !." – Alex, North Kensington

Topp 5 sharing economy apps in Sweden 2019 – IDG

Best on internet 2017 – Internetworld
Best on internet 2018 – Internetworld

We’ll do everything to make your experience in Tiptapp as good as possible. Chat with us by tapping "Support" in the app or email us at [email protected] if you have any questions or need any help!

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What’s New

As usual, we smashed some bugs and did some general improvements. Hope you like it!

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