App Shopper: xCalc HD (Utilities)

App Shopper: xCalc HD (Utilities)

App Shopper: xCalc HD (Utilities)

Scientific calculator for the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch. Easy to use, with the power you need.

xCalc integrates all your everyday, even your every-other-day numerical needs … plus, advanced features such as:

Equation editing and memory.
Edit and view your equation as you type, see what you are doing and what you have entered. Use the touch cursor, or keys to move the cursor, delete key to remove portions, and insert your changes. No more mistakes.

Direct Algebraic Logic Editing allow you to enter the formula as you would read it, eg. abs((36*sin(46/3)/2.4)^3).

Equations are retained in memory, just touch up or down to scroll through your previous calculations.

Scientific Functions
Supporting 21 major scientific functions including:

Trigonometric: sine, cosine, tangent, arcsine, arccosine, arctangent, sinh, cosh, tanh

Logs: base 10, base e

Other: Exponentials, base 10, base e, and User specified
Square Roots, Cubed Roots, and X Roots. Factorials, Inverse,

Absolute Values

Multiple radial coordinates
Degrees, Radians, Gradians

Fixed or scientific numerical formats

Interface Features
Easy touch access to all functions in portrait and landscape modes.
Cursor keys, delete key and touch cursor capabilities.
Enhanced error checking for mathematical errors.

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