App Shopper: Yukkuri My Friends (Games)

App Shopper: Yukkuri My Friends (Games)

App Shopper: Yukkuri My Friends (Games)

“[Yukkuri] is a simulation game.
Yukkuris love manjyus. By feeding them manjyus, they can become more lovely and stronger.
The yukkuris will explore in different regions around the world, and find the legendary manjyu.

They will have intense battle with other wild enemy yukkuris.
What would they find after the battle? Please keep playing the game until the end.

Extra tips:

-The game automaticly recovers about 10 normal manjyu in 1 minute. The mechanism works even the APP is not open.
-The APP is free-to-play. Some items in the game requires fee.
-You can start your adventure by clicking the ‘Adventure’ button. However during the battle, devices’ battery consumption is very high, please keep an eye on the battery left.
-46 kinds of weapons, 25 types of yukkuri friends!
-You can give your yukkuris [yukkucessary] to reinforce their battle ability!
-The APP will try to keep frequent update as possible. New updates contents include stage, story, characters, etc.
*Please contact and get the right from the yukkuri author(drawer) before using the source images from the game.”

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Added support for English

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