Baseball Star 1.6.7 Apk + Mod android download

Baseball Star 1.6.7 Apk + Mod android download

Baseball Star 1.6.7 Apk + Mod android download

Baseball Star is a Sports Game for android
download last version of Baseball Star Apk + Mod for android from revdl with direct link

■ Features
1) No need to connect to the internet.

2) Enjoy the game comfortably with plentiful daily free bonus like player cards, items, game points etc.
3) Enjoy a real full 3D baseball game with playing mode and management mode.
4) Create your team and build up your roster as you want by editing features.
5) Make your team and players more powerful and win the Legend Championship.
6) Support for Tablet PC

■ Game Mode
1) League Mode
– Compose the season with the number of games as you want. (16, 32, 64, 128 games)

– Select the number of innings you want. (3, 6, 9 innings)
2) Challenge Mode
– 5 leagues (Minor, Major, Master, Champion, Legend)
– Win the championship and battle with more powerful teams of the higher league.
3) Event Match
– It is held once a day and rewards is paid according to victory and defeat.
– It is based on automatic progression, and you can intervene in the game through direct play at important moments.

■ Game Play
1) Play : Play all innings in person (some innings can be proceeded automatically if you want)
2) Auto Play : Proceed each game automatically
3) Auto Season : Proceed whole season automatically (Challenge Mode)

■ Training and Upgrade
1) Make you team more powerful by training your players and recruiting more powerful players.
2) Equip your team and players with various items.

3) Upgrade your stadium and hold more good players.

■ Caution
When you change your phone device or delete the game, all game data is initialized.
Please use option Data>Save to save all game data and use option Data>Load to restore.

Mod Features:

  • Increase BP
  • Increase CP
  • Increase AP
  • cheat protection Removed
  • free CP 2hr wait timer Removed
Baseball Star

Baseball Star

Baseball Star

Baseball Star

Baseball Star

Baseball Star

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