Beurer HealthManager (Healthcare & Fitness)

Beurer HealthManager (Healthcare & Fitness)

Beurer HealthManager (Healthcare & Fitness)

You can use our free HealthManager app to record and keep an eye on your health data with ease – all in one app.

Health management as it should be – whether you are on holiday, on a business trip or at the doctor's. You can conveniently access your data on your smartphone, anywhere and at any time. You can switch easily between the weight, blood pressure, blood glucose, activity, sleep and pulse oximeter sections.

Your health data is presented clearly and in full using progress graphics, tables with measured values and the practical diary function.


– Six product areas – one complete health monitoring system
– Clear overview of all measured values in a diary function
– Secure health data thanks to the TÜV-certified HealthManager Cloud

– The full range of functions can be used locally without registering
– Linking of medication and health data
– Optional interaction with Apple Health

The compatibility of the app has been tested with the following smartphones:

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What’s New

The "beurer HealthManager" app has been updated with the following new feature:

•The "beurer HealthManager" now has a new "Water" category. This provides a handy place for you to record your drinking patterns. The hydration manager helps you with this.

•The following devices have been added under "Blood pressure": BC54



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