ChainChronicle v3.8.18 (Mod Apk) | ApkDlMod

ChainChronicle v3.8.18 (Mod Apk) | ApkDlMod

ChainChronicle v3.8.18 (Mod Apk) | ApkDlMod

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ChainChronicle v3.8.18 (Mod Apk) ◆ ◇ ◆ Chain Wars 3 is here! ◆ ◇ ◆
◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ Over 19 million downloads in Japan! New popular RPG debut! ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆

◆ SEGA's King Dao Benge RPG new giant contribution! ◆
The Legend of the Volunteer Army
◆ A new world of five protagonists! ◆
Five heroes' independent adventure stories intertwine into a whole new world!
◆ An adventure story of fate and bondage! ◆
Adventure stories written by each partner's stories, intertwined and intertwined!
◆ One-finger simple operation, gorgeous style battle! ◆
Easy one-finger simple operation, experience refreshing action tower defense battle!
◆ Legendary power inheritance. Fight bravely against strong enemies! ◆
Brand new inheritance system, the legendary power will last forever!
◆ Character dubbing of luxurious voice actors! !! ◆
Ishida Akira / Uchida Maori / Sakura Ayane / Koiwai and so on,
Popular voice actors dub the characters! !!
◆ Characters drawn by luxury painters ◆
Famous painters participate in drawing! !!
Toi8 / HACCAN // Bifengyu and other famous painters, more than 100 people participated! !!
◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ Storyline ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆
In "Chain of War 3", there will be 5 main story lines starting from 5 regions including "King Capital", "Sage Tower", "Nine Flame Leaders", "Desert Lake Capital", and "Elf Island" Five different new heroes will start their own unique plots and adventures. The five main plots will be intertwined to form a larger adventure story. The Volunteers who are active in the first and second part will also become the legendary heroes in "Chain of War 3", and will appear in the future to help support the new heroes.

◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ Game details ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆
The total number of characters appearing is over 800.
Each character has its own "fate story", and as he grows, there will be "fetters", "encounter stories", etc., and deeper plots appear.
In addition, when encountering a specific character, it will also trigger a hidden "chain plot"!

The battle mode is that the enemy attacked from the left side of the screen, and our camp that reached the right side of the screen was defeated by "action tower defense".
Not only has a simple operation, but also a game-like combat system to ensure that the needs of core players are met! !!鎖鏈戰記 ChainChronicle
鎖鏈戰記 ChainChronicle
鎖鏈戰記 ChainChronicle
鎖鏈戰記 ChainChronicle
鎖鏈戰記 ChainChronicle
鎖鏈戰記 ChainChronicle

BGM volume can adjust the attack power multiple
The last blow is poisonous
Last hit reward
3 times speed = 10 times speed
If the voice volume is full, enemy will dead


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