Deadman Diaries 2.1.5 Apk + Mod (Full Paid) for Android

Deadman Diaries 2.1.5 Apk + Mod (Full Paid) for Android

Deadman Diaries 2.1.5 Apk + Mod (Full Paid) for Android


Deadman Diaries Cover

. An innovative gamebook thriller in the form of a personal diary
. Readers try to save the main character but… it's not that easy

Deadman Diaries is an introduction to gamebooks (popularly known as "Choose-your-own-adventure"), so the game has been designed to be quick and easy to read.

Using the form of a personal diary, readers are immersed in the life of John Riggs, a bank worker who has to pay off a gambling debt that will lead him to different illegal, and often lethal, situations.

Readers are given different options and choose the best options to save the character's life… although it's not so easy.

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Deadman Diaries Apk

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