Digipare Pay Onstreet Parking (Utilities)

Digipare Pay Onstreet Parking (Utilities)

Digipare Pay Onstreet Parking (Utilities)

The easiest, trusty & safe way to pay for your short term parking in Brazil / São Paulo's Blue Zone with your Apple phone. We are also present in Costa Rica!

Brazil's #1 Parking App provides the easiest way to pay for your car parking in the Zona Azul Digital areas using your mobile phone.

We're the only company in the market audited & certified with ISO 9001. We want to stay on the top of regulated parking service companies with our mobile app, by offering only the best & safest service to our users!

Park & Pay, Simple as that – More than 500,000 Users can't be wrong! Download NOW Digipare Pay Onstreet Parking for FREE!

We're the only company present in several cities of Brazil and other countries in Latin America!

Register in our website https://www.digipare.com.br or directly in the app by entering a username, password and your licence plate; it takes less than 2 minutes. Once your registration is completed, you'll be able to add credits choosing a payment method; it can be by credit card, debit card or pre-paid card and you're good to go! Pay for your parking time with your mobile by sms with our pay-by-text option, by self-service or thru the app; once you´ve been registered, you can use any of these payment systems as you prefer.

When you're ready to use the Blue Zone parking areas, just select the city, amount of time, licence plate and that's it!

Set up alerts and reminders with our integrated alarm to know when your park time is about to expire.

Review all your account details, payments, parking time and dates whenever you need with our friendly post-notice notifications.

Brazil's #1 Parking Payment Service is available in the following cities:

Oficial SÃO PAULO, SP / Oficial BHTRANS BELO HORIZONTE, MG / Oficial AMC FORTALEZA, CE / OFICIAL PORTO ALEGRE/RS, EM BREVE OFICIAL SALVADOR, BA / Águas de Lindóia, SP / Alvorada, RS / Andradina, SP / Araçatuba, SP / Araras, SP / Arco Verde, PE / Bento Gonçalves, SP / Botucatu, SP / Canela, RS / Canoas, RS / Cariacica, ES / Caxias do Sul, RS / Chapecó, SC / Esteio, RS / Eunápolis, BA / Gramado, RS / Granja Brasil, RJ / Gravataí, RS / Iguatu, CE / Indaiatuba, SP / Irecê, BA / Itapira, SP / Jacobina, BA / Jales, SP / Juazeiro, BA / Jundiaí, SP / Leme, SP / Osasco, SP / Petrópolis, RJ / Rio Grande, RS / Santa Cruz do Sul, RS / Santa Maria, RS / Serra Talhada, PE / Serrinha, BA / Socorro, SP / São Leopoldo, RS / Umuarama, PR / Valinhos, SP / Venâncio Aires, RS / Vitória de Santo Antão, PE

Costa Rica:
Liberia / Tibas

No coins for paying your parking? Download NOW Digipare Pay Onstreet Parking and forget about the change!

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What’s New

We update the Digipare app whenever possible to make it faster and more reliable for you. See some improvements of the latest version:

– Registration and login with Facebook. You can now create a Digipare account using your Facebook account or link your Digipare account to your FB.

– We also welcome the city of Arujá/SP.
– Minor fixes and performance improvements.

Did you like the app? Leave a review! Your feedback is very important to improve Digipare app!

Got any questions? Contact us at 0800-941-3444 or [email protected]

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