Equalizer & Bass Booster Music Sound Equalizer v2.8.9 [Ads-Free] APK [Latest]

Equalizer & Bass Booster Music Sound Equalizer v2.8.9 [Ads-Free] APK [Latest]

Equalizer & Bass Booster Music Sound Equalizer v2.8.9 [Ads-Free] APK [Latest]

best Equalizer & Bass Booster apps for Android, that will help you to increase your Base.

The app provides a ten band equalizer which can be tweaked around as per the user's interests along with the presets which can be used at ease. Volume Booster with the friendly interface, Music equalizer and sound booster facilitate you to adjust the soundtracks. It is done with the five band stabilizer. The app to make volume louder is suitable when you make video calls in social networking applications.

Equalizer- Music Bass Booster Sound will increase volume for android when i want to make the speakers on my phone sound louder or when I want louder music volume boost and bass. This is the simple, minimalistic app which has the volume and bass booster control at one place. This application can boost volume on phone with only one tap without distorting the sound. This is another bass boosting app which enhances the quality of sound and possesses various bass boosting options. So you can create great sound when listening to music, The app looks amazing and does its job to its best watching movies, phone calls online with friends . Presets included in these best bass booster apps improves the sound quality of your phone. Bass Booster allows you to adjust the sound effects levels so that you get the most out of your music, audio or video coming out of your device. Just like the effect of music or audio, adjust the sound level and frequency, let it run in the background.

Main Features of Equalizer & Bass Booster – Music Sound EQ

Music amplifier equalizer sound booster
Music EQ enables to adjust soundtracks

Virtualizer effect
Equalizer sound booster
Turn on / off music player with volume boost
Improved sound quality
Control the sound & Flexible Control
Several preset equalizer sound booster and music player
Provides 10 equalizer presets
Boost bass and volume booster loud

❤ What are you waiting for ?

❤ Rate us 5 stars if you like it and enjoy your enhanced device with Equalizer & Bass Booster app

What's New:

How to Install ?

  1. Download the Cracked Apk from below Link
  2. Install it on your device
  3. Done, Enjoy !


Download Links

Equalizer & Bass Booster Music Sound Equalizer v2.8.9 [Ads-Free] APK | Mirror

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