LIVE Augmented Reality App (News)

LIVE Augmented Reality App (News)

LIVE Augmented Reality App (News)

The LIVE Augmented Reality App brings our publications and products to live by adding digital content to our printed products.

You can scan an target image on our website or print products displaying the LIVE AR logo, and can view associated content with it. Content could be video, image gallery or any web or social media page.

How to use the LIVE Augmented Reality App:

1. Open the app
2. Allow the app to use your camera
3. Scan target image that displays the LIVE logo through the camera of your device by pressing the orange button at the bottom of the screen

4. View video and other interactive content through the app.

LIVE AR news provides LIVE Augmented Reality experiences to newspapers, magazines, signs, and flyers. Used by the Mohave Valley Daily News, Your College Your Future, Needles Desert Star, Laughlin Times, Real Estate 411, Laughlin Entertainer and special publications and products throughout Bullhead City Arizona, Needles, Laughlin and Surrounding areas.

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What’s New

1. Minor Bug Fixes

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