Nice Ride Bike Share (Navigation)

Nice Ride Bike Share (Navigation)

Nice Ride Bike Share (Navigation)

Now you can unlock a bike, buy a pass and find special deals all in the official Nice Ride app. This is your co-pilot for biking adventures in the Twin Cities.

Pull up the app and see up-to-the-minute bike availability. Search station locations and addresses, to find the nearest bike or station. Save your favorite stations, and know the situation right away at your usual spots.

See info about your most recent ride, and all-time riding history. Know how long you've had a bike out with an accurate trip timer, and see confirmation of your completed trip after you've ended your ride.

Pick a destination and we'll show you where to pick up and where to end your ride. Need a route suggestion? Tap a station pin or location and the app will sniff out the best way to your destination.

And of course, get your exercise credit when you pedal with a Health app integration.

Happy riding!

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What’s New

Thanks for using Nice Ride! We update our app regularly to make your rides even better. Every update of our Nice Ride app includes improvements in speed and reliability. As new features are released, we'll highlight those for you in the app.

Here is what you will find in our latest update:
Allow people to scan their credit card for faster checkout.

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