NYC HelpMeQuit (Healthcare & Fitness)

NYC HelpMeQuit (Healthcare & Fitness)

NYC HelpMeQuit (Healthcare & Fitness)

Quit smoking, one craving at a time, with the NYC HelpMeQuit app! Loaded with features that will help you ignore cravings, our app will help you finally say goodbye to cigarettes. Download now to start living smoke-free!

Celebrate Your Progress
Our app tracks every milestone along your journey to a healthier and smoke-free life. Let your loved ones know how well you're doing with custom, shareable badges.

Learn How To Outlast Cravings 
Access our growing collection of tips that will help you ignore cigarette cravings. Browse our most popular methods, voted by our users, or explore new ways to stay smoke-free!

Join A Supportive Community
Connect with other users who are also quitting. With the My Quit Buddies feature, you can talk and share tips with people who know what cravings are like.

Stay Motivated

Whether it's family or health, everyone has their own reasons for quitting. If you're going through a rough patch and need a reminder to not smoke, our Why I Quit feature can help.

Distract Yourself
If you start craving a cigarette, instantly distract yourself using one of our in-app games. They're free, fun and great for taking your mind off smoking.

We know quitting is hard, but you can do it with the NYC HelpMeQuit app!

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What’s New

-Fix bugs with posting a new Quit Buddies Post

– Fix bugs with sharing badges
– Fix bugs on the log in view



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