Organic Garden 1.1 Apk android

Organic Garden 1.1 Apk android

Organic Garden 1.1 Apk android

Forget Me not: Organic Garden is a Simulation Game for android
download last version of Forget Me not: Organic Garden Apk for android from revdl with direct link

"Master! Master! It's ready!!!"
"I can hear you just fine – you don't need to yell. Oh wow, what a firm kidney this is."

Forget Me Not: My Organic Garden is a quirky and fun organ-harvesting tap game.
Tap, tap, tap away and ship as many organs as possible in order to impress your master and satisfy your customers.

Organa is an apprentice living together with shopmaster Irene on the outskirts of a quiet village.
While Irene's shop is fairly small, it's always bustling with customers.
Organa also helps Irene out in the shop.

Organa's main duty is to grow the shop's merchandise in the greenhouse.
It's a busy job: watering each item, harvesting the goods, and generally rushing all over the place.
Heartily growing in the array of pots are kidneys, hearts, and such.
Basically, "organs".

Organa works hard day in and day out in order to become a master organ harvester.
Today, Irene's busy shop is once again visited by some really far-out characters…

◆Game Overview
・Tap the watering can to water the plants.
After a set amount of time, organs will grow on the plants.
・Tap the fully developed organs. Harvest as many as possible!
・Deliver the harvested organs once they've built up.
・Clear various quests to progress through the story.
・Also featuring animals to help out with organ growing and equipment for processing organs.

Forget Me not: Organic Garden

Forget Me not: Organic Garden

Forget Me not: Organic Garden

Forget Me not: Organic Garden

Forget Me not: Organic Garden

Forget Me not: Organic Garden

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