Power Shade: Notification Bar Changer & Manager v15.2 [Pro][SAP] apk [Latest]

Power Shade: Notification Bar Changer & Manager v15.2 [Pro][SAP] apk [Latest]

Power Shade: Notification Bar Changer & Manager v15.2 [Pro][SAP] apk [Latest]

The most advanced notifications bar changer yet! Make your notification drawer look outstanding, according to your own taste and preference.
The choice is finally yours.

Key Features

◎ Full color customization: Take the base layout and color all the elements to your taste.
◎ Powerful notifications: Get it, read it, snooze or dismiss.
◎ Quick reply: Reply to your messages as soon as you see them. For all Android 5.0+ devices.
◎ Auto bundled: Tired of that one app that spams you notifications? Now they're all grouped together, for easy control.
◎ Notification card themes: Android P inspired.
– Light: your ordinary notifications
– Colored: uses the notification's color as the card background.
– Dark: blend all your notifications with a pure black background (great on AMOLED screens).
◎ Quick settings panel
– Choose a different color for the background or foreground (icons) of the quick settings panel.
– Change brightness slider color.
– Choose your own profile picture to be displayed in the shade.
– (Pro) Change quick settings grid layout (ie. number of columns and rows).

Root is optional
Since the app doesn't actually change any parts of your system it has limited power in the quick settings area (can't toggle mobile data, location services, etc so it opens the settings page for you). You can grant it root access though to control these settings.

Your status notification shade doesn't have to be the same as everyone else's.

Bring personality and customization to one of the most used parts of your phone's UI with one of the best android notification apps.
Download Power Shade, the ultimate notification bar changer & notification manager for FREE!


Official Telegram group: https://t.me/joinchat/EQ_0hUON-V_ZMO9rhCmQAw
Official Google+ community: https://plus.google.com/communities/104520468798087436764

What's New
– Fixed flashlight toggle wouldn't turn off
– Fixed the background suddenly getting transparent
– Fixed crash in fingerprint gesture detector

● Pro features Unlocked



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