Price Drop: iMeasurer (Navigation)
iMeasurer 8.0
Device: iOS Universal
Category: Navigation
Price: $1.99 -> $.99, Version: 8.0 (iTunes)
Accurately measures walking, jogging, running or riding distance, using your mobile GPS. Displays your current latitude, longitude, altitude, heading, and speed. The map shows current location and a compass. When measuring has completed all of the details are copied to the clipboard. Shows maximum speed and keeps track of your measurement history.
This is a universal app, buy it once, use on the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch.
– Display current location address
– Start measuring to indicate the starting point to measure from. Start measuring also resets max speed.
– When measuring, distance from the starting location is displayed. If are measuring a long distance, e.g. in auto, miles, and meters are used.
– Stop measuring for final distance calculation. When measuring has completed, all of the details are copied to the clipboard for convenience.
– Show measurement history. Shows all your measurements with a date/time stamp. Can clear history or copy measurement details to the clipboard.
– Latitude of current location is always displayed
– Altitude of current location is always displayed
– Speed traveling (mph and kph)
– Maximum Speed. Starting a measurement resets the maximum speed.
– GPS signal strength indicator. Note: The better the GPS signal the more accurate the measuring is.
– Map Zoom
– Small and large map display mode
– Map pinch and swipe motions used for zoom in, zoom out and pan
Note: Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.
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