Shazam Encore (Full Premium) Apk + Mod for Android

Shazam Encore (Full Premium) Apk + Mod for Android

Shazam Encore (Full Premium) Apk + Mod for Android

Apk + Mod for Android

Shazam Encore

Shazam is one of the world's most popular apps, used by more than 100 million people each month to identify music, get song lyrics, and now to discover the music that artists discover themselves.

"Shazam is an app that feels like magic" –

Identify music instantly and share in the thrill of music discovery with the artists you love.

See what top artists like Calvin Harris, Pitbull, Meghan Trainor, Avicii, Jason Derulo, Wiz Khalifa and others are Shazaming.

  • New discoveries from artists you've Shazamed appear automatically
  • Follow new artists with a tap of a button and see what those artists are Shazaming
  • Stay up-to-date about new singles, albums, and videos from the artists you follow


  • Shazam TV shows to discover soundtracks, the cast, special offers and more
  • Enjoy music lyrics and YouTube videos
  • Preview songs and add them to Rdio and Spotify playlists *
  • Launch Pandora radio based on artists you discover *
  • Ask the Google app to Shazam for you: "Ok Google, Shazam this song"


  • Stay in the loop with Shazam's real time charts
  • Connect Rdio or Spotify to play full tracks in Shazam
  • Check out recommended tracks to discover new music
  • Find out what's popular in your town, your country and the world
  • Quick links to Google Play and Amazon stores


  • See what your friends are Shazaming when you connect your Facebook account
  • Share your discoveries through Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Pinterest, Google+ and more…


  • Launch Shazam on your Android Wear smartwatch for the artist and song
  • See lyrics unfold with the music on supported smartwatches


  • Shazam visual recognition gets you more – tap the camera icon to Shazam posters, magazines or books; anywhere where you see the Shazam camera logo
  • Visual recognition also works as a QR code reader
  • Find your past Shazams in Google Now
  • Buy tickets to see your favorite artists in concert

Use Shazam as much as you like – it's unlimited


  • Previewing and buying music requires the Google Play music store in your country
  • MIPS devices are not supported
  • Why does Shazam need these app permissions?

* Some features are location, device and app version dependent

Any questions or feedback? Check out:


We added an option in Settings to let you control the availability of the video preview in the Song page


Languages: ru, en
Android Wear app removed
Deeply optimized all graphics

Disconnected advertising and garbage services, hidden by the advertisement I found
The modification is untied from Google services
The services for collecting statistics have been deactivated, carefully
Maps work, load
Compression: Ultra + Zipalign
Signature changed

Shazam Encore Apk

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