Taylor Guitars TaylorSense App (Music)

Taylor Guitars TaylorSense App (Music)

Taylor Guitars TaylorSense App (Music)

Care for your guitar wherever you go!

The Taylor App is your dashboard for monitoring the health of your guitar, including factors like humidity, temperature, battery life, and any potentially damaging physical impact that your guitar suffers. When paired with TaylorSense, an optional add-on feature for your Taylor guitar, the The Taylor App presents this data in easy-to-follow screens and proactively delivers push notification alerts and "how to fix" videos when you need to take action to prevent damage to your guitar. You also gain access to a wealth of guitar care videos and solutions to common problems in a full library of resources created by Taylor's expert guitar techs.

Download the Taylor Guitars App today – it's free!


GUITAR CARE – Access a library of videos, articles and advice from Taylor's expert guitar techs.
• Easy-to-follow videos walk you through common support topics step-by-step to help you care for your guitar.
• Articles crafted by Taylor Guitars’ tech experts guide you through a host of helpful self-service tips.

• Answers to frequently asked questions help you keep your guitar playing and sounding great.


TaylorSense is an optional add-on feature for your Taylor guitar. A smart battery box that replaces any 9V battery box in a Taylor guitar, TaylorSense uses sensors to monitor the humidity, temperature and battery life of your guitar along with any potentially damaging physical impact it suffers, and sends alert messages to your phone via the Taylor Guitars App when care is needed for your instrument.

TaylorSense Features:

DASHBOARD – The central hub for your TaylorSense data displays all the vital signs of any connected guitar on one screen.

HUMIDITY – A digital hygrometer monitors the humidity of your Taylor guitar. If the levels become too low or high, you'll receive an alert.

TEMPERATURE – Exposure to extreme heat or cold can damage a guitar. TaylorSense alerts you if the temperature becomes dangerous for your guitar.

BATTERY – TaylorSense lets you check the battery life of your onboard pickup anytime through the app, so you'll always know where you stand.

IMPACT – TaylorSense will alert you if your guitar suffers a serious blow and record the time of the impact so you can inspect it for damage.

Learn More About Purchasing, Installing, and Setting Up TaylorSense

Visit the Taylor Guitars Website


Follow @TaylorGuitars on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook


For support with the Taylor Guitars App, please email [email protected], visit https://www.taylorguitars.com/support, or call Taylor Guitars at 1-800-943-6782.

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What’s New

• New, improved, and streamlined experienced with native support for all iOS phone sizes
• Rebuilt technology providing better app performance and reliability
• Significant improvements in Bluetooth linking and connectivity

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