Trivia Crack (Ad Free) v3.54.2 Apk Download Free

Trivia Crack (Ad Free) v3.54.2 Apk Download Free

Trivia Crack (Ad Free) v3.54.2 Apk Download Free

Trivia Crack (Paid) Apk

Download>> Trivia Crack v3.54.2 Apk | 40 MB | Resumable Links | Requires :Android Varies with Device |


Trivia Crack

What's in this version :

  • User interface improvements
  • Bug fixes

Game Review:

Trivia Crack is the international smash hit game that pits friend against friend in different categories to determine who has the most trivia knowledge. Each of the six categories (Science, Entertainment, Art, Geography, Sports and History) has a corresponding character, and the game is won by being the first to obtain all six.

Give Willy the Wheel a spin and let chance decide which category you get.
Stuck on a particular question? You still have a chance. Trivia Crack is a game of strategy.

Earn coins throughout the game to get special advantages such as PowerUps and extra spins which you can use to gain the upper hand over your opponents. Or face off against them and steal their characters.

It's no coincidence Trivia Crack is the #1 trivia game in the US and Canada. This game is truly one-of-a-kind. With over 100 thousand questions and constant updates, Trivia Crack never gets old. Upload your own user-created questions, or translate and rate those of other users and join the Trivia Crack community!

From the moment you start playing Trivia Crack, you'll notice the bright, sophisticated and intuitive interface. With lively animations at every step, the characters have a life of their own!

Trivia Crack is currently available in English , Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Catalan, Russian, Japanese, Dutch, Chinese, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Danish, Greek, Turkish and Korean. New languages added regularly!
So what are you waiting for? Download Trivia Crack now and begin challenging your friends!


  • Put your knowledge to the test
  • Combine wit and strategy
  • Dare your friends to a challenge
  • Chat live with friends and opponents
  • Share your achievements
  • Suggest, rate and translate questions

Put your knowledge to the test and challenge your friends!




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