Update: LTRetail (Business)

Update: LTRetail  (Business)

Update: LTRetail (Business)

LTRetail 1.2.10

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Business
Price: Free, Version: 1.2.8 -> 1.2.10 (iTunes)


This app is for letstrack retailers, to initiate the sale process.
This app facilitates the letstrack retailers to activate the tracking devices and service box.

By following these steps :
1)Select Activation kit on customer activation Page, Enter the activation serial number and press search.
2) Select device type and press proceed on customer activation page.
3) Enter customer details(name email, mobile number country state city address and pin code on customer activation page and press proceed.
4)Specify the mode of payment.

Using this app retailers can register the customer on the spot which make the whole process fast, save the time of customer and reduces the latency time. Also it helps Letstrack to improve the customer service as it boost the whole activation process.

What’s New

* Minor bug fixes.
* New commission history feature.


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