Veloxy for Salesforce CRM (Business)

Veloxy for Salesforce CRM (Business)

Veloxy for Salesforce CRM (Business)

“I have used Salesforce for over 15 years. I have tried just about every app available including SF 1 with varying results. Veloxy is the best app by far that I have ever used!”
Mark Plavchak, Senior Business Development, Truepay

Veloxy Mobile is for sales reps on the go. It helps you focus on your most productive sales activities, and takes the grunt-work out of Salesforce updates.
You can save 30-40 minutes a day, double the amount of information you capture, and never worry about important things falling through cracks. Veloxy tells you before they do!

Supports iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch

The app pulls data from Salesforce, email, calendars, LinkedIn and other sources to proactively give you actionable information in context, based on your upcoming meetings, tasks and hot opportunities.

So you don't have to look for it yourself, and can take the right action at the right time.
It automatically logs your calls, email and texts into Salesforce for you, and makes it easy to add and update leads, contacts and opportunities on the go, as a natural step in your sales workflow.

Say goodbye to evenings and weekends spent on Salesforce updates.

The Veloxy solution is available as a cloud based subscription service on a monthly or annual basis.
Tons of time-saving features help you stay on top of the pipeline keep it up-to-date in your stride.

Location-based prospecting
•Show Leads, Contacts, Accounts on map using GPS

•Find new prospects and show on map using GPS
•Receive "nearby" prospect alerts while driving
•Search for business and add to SFDC with one tap

Easy emailing with SFDC integration

•Send emails to one or many using tempates
•Add task from email in prospect record in SFDC
•Copy email and save to prospect record in SFDC
•Unlimited personalized email templates

Powerful analytics and notifications
•Get alerts when prospects read your emails
•Detailed analytics on email opens and views
•Get notified when important contact replies
•Warnings on opportunities at risk of closing

Pre and Post meeting workflows

•360 View of entire prospect record before you call
•Click to call followed by post call update wizard
•Auto-log calls, emails and text messages in SFDC
•One tap conference call; directions, and drive time
•Prioritized daily tasks: who to call, email, or meet

Manage contacts and leads
•Add / Edit Tasks, Activities, Events, Opportunities
•Sync with Exchange, Outlook, Gmail, and Calendars
•Social Intel from LinkedIn, Twitter, G+, Crunchbase
•Search in SFDC, emails, calendars all at once

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What’s New

Bug fixes and performance improvements

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