Wear OS by Google Smartwatch (was Android Wear) - phone app APK Download by Google LLC

Wear OS by Google Smartwatch (was Android Wear) – phone app APK Download by Google LLC
• Explore the new design of Wear OS by Google to help you get the most out of your time – providing quicker access to your information, more proactive help from your Google Assistant, and smarter health coaching, all with a swipe of your finger
• GET PROACTIVE HELP FROM YOUR GOOGLE ASSISTANT: Stay on top of your day with proactive, personalized help and useful shortcuts from your Google Assistant. Get commute times, see upcoming reservations, check your flight status and more.
• TAKE YOUR HEALTH AND FITNESS FURTHER: Monitor your progress towards two activity goals based on health recommendations from American Heart Association and World Health Organization, Heart Points and Move Minutes
• ROCK OUT WHILE YOU WORK OUT: Control your favorite music right from your wrist and stay motivated through the last mile
• GET MORE DONE: See your next meeting, add items to your grocery list, set reminders, pay on the go and more
Learn more google.com/WearOS
Supported features may vary across watches, phones, and countries. The Google Assistant is not available in certain countries and languages.
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