Wind Hero v1.1 (Mod Apk)

Wind Hero v1.1 (Mod Apk)

Wind Hero v1.1 (Mod Apk)

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Wind Hero

Wind Hero v1.1 (Mod Apk) * The big pretty city is open for you. Express your magical powers and become a real superhero or behave a regular mad rider
* Earn cash and gems by completing quests and unlocking achievements. Mass killing, street racing and collecting pickups!

* Spend money in the store! There are different guns, cars and clothes available for purchase

Gangs don't sleep in your town, crime rages on the streets. Answer them counter hurricane! Tap the button and lift objects in the air! Send your enemies high flying! Or just take a weapon and bang'em by shooting!
Download our free game and drive a tornado action!

Wind Hero
Wind Hero
Wind Hero
Wind Hero
Wind Hero
Wind Hero




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Wind Hero v1.1 (Mod Apk) – RACATY LINK

Wind Hero v1.1 (Mod Apk) – DRIVE LINK

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