360 & 3D Video (Entertainment)

360 & 3D Video (Entertainment)

360 & 3D Video (Entertainment)

Enjoy immersive virtual reality videos with your VR glasses or headsets.

VRTube is a virtual reality video app that provides many high quality VR entertainment to enjoy. You can use various VR glasses or headsets for true VR entertainment experience. Maybe you prefer the cardboard version. Some people prefer electronic version such as Oculus. You can even watch VR videos without glasses with this app. There are many kind of video, jump into games, horror movies, dive into ocean, watching sharks, girls, and roller coasters, etc just for your entertainment. These are all 360° panorama video that will give you immersive experience.


– 360 degree virtual video only
– Compatible with 3D panoramic video
– Compatible with multiple headset (Cardboard, Gear VR, Daydream View)

– VR mode for headset
– Touch and Motion Controlling
– Zoom in / zoom out
– Spatial audio mode
– Continuous playback
– Search suggestion · search history
– Side menu
– Social share (Twitter, Facebook)
– Compatible with Earphone Controller
– Supports high resolution video playback

・Free to rotate 360 degrees
You can control camera’s rotation freely by swiping the screen

・Compatible with 360° , 3D panoramic video
It supports 360 degrees video. And 3d panoramic video that look three-dimensionally when viewed through the headset such as Cardboard and other VR entertainment or VR glasses.

・VR mode
There is VR entertainment mode that can perform binocular display and head tracking with a gyro sensor. If you activate VR mode and wear a headset (Cardboard, Gear VR, other VR glasses, etc.), you can experience an immersive viewing!

Enable to zoom during playback

Enable to create playlist


There are many kinds of VR entertainment. We have cute animal video to scary horror video that will make you jump out your skin. We also immerse you in sport & adventure through ski・snowboard・skydive and other similar experience. Whispering voice, ride in a fighter aircraft, aerial images by flying drone. Korean idol group’s dancing movie, virtual dating with a girl. Virtual traveling to famous tourist spots, experiencing roller coasters, etc. Just enjoy the best VR videos and experience here!

How to use

□ Switching the view mode to stereo and single mode

Tap the VR glasses icon to switch the view mode.

□ Reset rotation
Touch the target-shaped icon to reset the rotation while playing 360 ° video

□ Zoom
Pinch on the screen.

□ Playlist
Tap the heart icon or tap the share button and select save to the play list


VRTube is a YouTube video streaming app. There is no function to download video. It should be online when playing (it does not support to download and offline playback).


This app uses following libraries.

・WebVR Polyfill
・ SWRevealViewController
・ ICViewPager

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What’s New

Some modifications and bug fixes.

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