App Shopper: 17BII-Pro (Finance)
The 17BII-Pro calculator application is a extensive set of menus and enhancements builded over a modified simulation of the real HP-17BII Business Consultant calculators by Hewlett Packard with more functions than the real one in a beautiful high definition interface.
The 17BII-Pro works in the same way of the real calculator. But, more functionalities were added, some were modified and others deleted in order to offer a calculator with the best user experience in the modern iOS devices.
Scientific & Math functionality:
– Angles & Polar: Angular conversions units 'from' or 'to’ Deg, Rad, Grad, degree-minute-second and % slope.
– Complete set of common scientific functions (Trig., Hyp, Log, etc.)
– Curve Fitting: six regression models to fit a curve over a two selected data- lists.
– Probability Distributions: Normal, t-Student, Exponential & Weibull distributions.
– Triangle solution for ASA, SAS, SSA & SSS data.
– Fundamental Universal Constants fron NIST-CODATA.
– Units Conversion: Adds a powerful and completely customizable physical units conversion.
– Units Editor: Add, delete, edit and order the units and categories.
– Black-Scholes OVM: Calculates "Call" & "Put" options prices of European Options.
– Bonds Price & Yield: with Annual or Semiannual coupons and Actual or 30/360 calendars.
– Cash Flows Calculations: Calculates NPV,i%,IRR%,NFV,MIRR, NUS, etc. over cash flows series.
– Cash Flows Editor: Create, Edit, Save & Load cash flows series.
– Currency Exchange: All world currencies with actual online rates from google finance.
– Depreciation with DB, SOYD or SL methods.
– Interest conversion with effective rate comparison for up to three nominal rates.
– Margins & Break-Even: calculate business margins and production break-even over all variables.
– Percent Change and Percent Total.
– TVM calculations: "Time Value of Money" problems for loans, amortizations, mortgages, etc.
– Tip & Bill Split: Calculates tips over a bill and split the total amount over participants.
Other General functionality:
– Data-List Editor to create, edit, save & load data values for CFLO and SUM calculations.
– Date & Time: Perform calculations over date and time variables.
– Equation Solver for any variable given the others.
– Memory Content: View All with Backup & Restore through text emails.
– Settings: Customize many settings, including formats, sounds, interface, etc.
– Help Documents: A complete set of short documents with examples of all menus.
System requirements: iOS 12.0 or above.
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What’s New
Improve stability and calculations reliability.
Fix a small bug regarding a double use of summation function
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