App Shopper: Catalyst Client (Education)

App Shopper: Catalyst Client (Education)

App Shopper: Catalyst Client (Education)

Wireless | Paperless | Effortless

Behavior Analysts have a new best friend!
Imagine if all of the administrative hassles of data collection and data management disappeared. We did . . . and then we built Catalyst. Join the thousands of behavior analysts around the world who have revolutionized their practice.

Catalyst is the industry leading, state-of-the-art, mobile/cloud-based technology for collecting, managing, and using your data—by far the most comprehensive and flexible system available. Using Catalyst, a family or organization can completely eliminate (a) paper data sheets, (b) all of the time spent entering data, and (c) mountains of paper graphs.

Parents or professionals can then spend more time teaching, and program managers, such as BCBA's, can access critical information quicker and much more efficiently. Quite simply, Catalyst allows users to spend less time with graphs and more time with learners.

But Catalyst is not just a data collection tool for your mobile device(s); it is not just an online system for data storage, management, graphing, and analysis. Catalyst is both! And, it works seamlessly to make your practice more efficient and more effective. Here's how:

1.Design your own programming. Design the program(s) you want with nearly limitless combinations of customizations. And, because you define how Catalyst works for you, huge amounts of program down time can be eliminated. Catalyst will automatically move targets from baseline to acquisition to maintenance and back again, based on your preferences. Use cold probes, behavioral momentum, custom prompt levels, errorless teaching, and much more. Keep doing things the way you like, just do them better.

2.Take Your Data. Whether you want a simple frequency counter or complex skill acquisition data, Catalyst is exactly what you are looking for. In fact, Catalyst can help you take the following types of data:
•Discrete Trials
•Task Analysis (Forward/backward chaining)
•Echoic Sounds
•Toileting Data
•Behavior event/ABC data
•Partial Interval
•Whole Interval
•Momentary Time sampling
•Anecdotal Information

Catalyst can even help with timesheets, and it can do so offline or online. Now, you don't need be to be tethered to paper or the internet!

3.Analyze Your Data. Love graphs? Let us help you nerd-out! Our online graphing engine is nuclear, allowing for dozens of different views of learner data, all customizable in real time. Users can sort data by different instructors, morning versus afternoon, "raw" numbers of trial counts during a day, average numbers of trials to mastery criteria, numbers of instructors who have recorded data, and much more. Catalyst can also help with reports, or it can combine graphs and reports into custom progress notes and insurance reports. All the information you need, all in real time with just a few clicks!

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