App Shopper: Chiimp4 (Business)

App Shopper: Chiimp4 (Business)

App Shopper: Chiimp4 (Business)

Chiimp4 is an improved version of the Chiimp App that now uses Bluetooth 4 as its communication protocol. The user interface has been updated with better sliding transitions that match the direction of the button pushed on the navigation bar, the ability to forward emails, SMS/Emails can now be sent to single or multiple addresses/numbers, quicker connection and disconnection times and less battery usage thanks to Bluetooth 4, plus a new status screen to track the progress of messages. Sent Items reports the SMS/Email status. A new help and support system is now accessible from the App. More feedback when setting up GetMail. Loopback tests for SMS/Email to verify system operation.

The App connects the iPhone/iPad via Bluetooth 4 to an Aircraft Server which either contains the Iridium transceiver and equipment to send/receive messages plus make phone calls or connects to existing equipment. Voice calls can be initiated via the App using your own contacts, and then use an Iridium handset to talk.

Chiimp4 is the ideal solution, for the following reasons:
1. Operates via Bluetooth 4, which is documented and tested as safe for use in aircraft.
2. Provides both a voice and data interface for Smartphone and Tablets

3. Requires only low cost portable equipment to interface with satellite and terrestrial networks.
4. Can be retrofitted without requiring certification.
5. Eliminates the requirement for an on board PABX and hardwired telephone handset, (Saving in excess of $50K – $100K per aircraft).
6. Turns the existing slow cockpit and cabin data link into a useful affordable messaging service.
7. Enhances the existing broadband service by facilitating direct control of the voice channels and the addition of an SMS/messaging service.
8. Connects passenger and pilot outside of the cellular roaming network, so no roaming charges.
9. Is compatible with all satellite networks

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What’s New

Updated for iOS 13 and some Bluetooth improvements

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